The Question Of The Series

Back on track! Ok, after being forced to abandon my series for a bit because of pain, I was finally able to get some more studies and writing in. Happy Monday! Let’s dig in!

Jesus instituted the five-fold ministry to bring structure to the church. He said to Peter, “I will build My church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” (Matthew16:18). He laid this foundation which would catalyze the working and maturation of the body. His intention is not for one man to do the job alone, but for every individual to do his/her  part in working towards the goal.

With that said, is it possible for a minister to be called to multiple or all of the five-fold offices? My answer to this is yes, and that it depends on one’s assignment. For example, you may be in a region or location where you are the one called to raise up those leaders and because of that, God equips you adequately so that you can pour into them.


Jesus is the prime example of one who functioned in every five-fold capacity when He walked the earth. He was Apostle, the sent One. He was Prophet, who spoke the heart of God; He was Evangelist, who came to seek and save the lost; He was Teacher, often called Rabbi; and He was Pastor, His compassion for the sheep was always demonstrated.

The anointing on your life can be multifaceted and it can allow you to function in different capacities or offices. Think of it as one individual having different managerial positions in different companies. Therefore, it is possible for one who is called to be an Apostle can also be called to be a Prophet. The same is true for an individual called to function in all five ministerial offices.

The assignment of one who is called in that capacity, whether to operate in multiple or all of the five-fold offices, would be specifically to raise up leaders in the five-fold; to bring the called into the place of maturity so that they will come into and walk in the fullness of their calling.

It is therefore to know your leaders, to find out in what area they have been called, so that you can set your expectation to receive from them on that level. No one should be a blind follower; if you are being fed, you should know the contents of your meal. The same is true for submission; know the assignment of the one to whom you are submitted. While submission is God’s requirement of you, knowing vital information puts you in a position to have realistic expectations of your leader and to govern yourself accordingly.



Father in Jesus name I come. I am grateful for those You have placed in my life to mentor and shape me. I realize that I may not be maximizing their presence in my life by not knowing this vital information. Help me Lord to find out what is needful and to align my expectations in the right way so that I will receive all that You will have me to receive through my leaders. I thank You for them and I bless them. AMEN!



By Joanna Lloyd

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